‘WE’ in Architecture: Our Mission

What was once Women In Architecture, a Knowledge Community known colloquially as WIA (pronounced We-A) is now WE-in-Architecture (WE-A)! In the spirit of inclusivity and diversity, AIA San Diego’s Women In Architecture invites all to join us in our mission to diversify the profession - an effort that requires all hands…and voices and faces at the table!

WIA has always been dedicated to empowering, cultivating, and celebrating the contributions of women and minorities in the design community; WE-A aims to bring more leaders to the table to make measurable progress towards representation in the profession.

We Advocate: Elevate, encourage and exemplify cultural shifts towards balance and diversity. 

We Empower: Improve knowledge and expertise through events focused on areas such as leadership, diversity and professional development.

We Mentor: Engage, inspire and support local architectural professionals and the emerging architects of tomorrow.


WE-A Co-Chairs
McKenna Leventhal, Assoc. AIA & Sophia Wang, Assoc. AIA

Equity Diversity & Inclusion Directors
Lina Asad, AIA & Zachary Silver, Assoc. AIA


Advocate: Provide a platform for open conversations about awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion and hear stories from individuals within the design community.

Empowerment: Provide resources and coordinate an event(s) for developing professional skills and knowledge such as salary negotiation, leadership development and more.

Mentorship: Provide more opportunities for mentorship at emerging and continuing professional levels. Create a database of mentors and mentees to help with pairing/networking.

Join Us!

Currently, WE-A meets every other month on Tuesdays at 4:30pm, with a mix of virtual meetings and in- person networking opportunities. Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below so we can get to know you better. All are welcome! Our WE-A leaders will be in touch.

Articles, Announcements & Events