Dear Employers
Thank you for sharing your firm’s opportunities with AIA San Diego. Qualified candidates rely on this resource for career advancement and we wish you both luck in finding the right fit.
Employers, please note that when you submit a job posting via our system, it does not automatically publish to our website. We pride ourselves on reviewing submissions for quality and then we post them manually, so please allow 3-5 business days for your submission to be reviewed and published.
Architecture Positions: The use of any form of the term “architect” (including “architectural,” “architecture,” or any abbreviations or confusingly similar variations) in an unlicensed employee’s job title or description is strictly prohibited.
Salary Range: Starting on Jan. 1 2023, employers with at least 15 employees must include pay ranges in job postings.
Post a Job
Listings will be online for 30 days. Cost: No cost for members; $70 for AIA members of other chapters; $150 for non-members. For questions regarding job postings, please contact us.
Only for current AIA San Diego members; listing valid for 30 days.
Please submit one job description at a time.
For AIA members outside of the San Diego chapter; listing valid for 30 days.
Please submit one job description at a time.
For organizations or individuals who are not AIA members; listing valid for 30 days.
Please submit one job description at a time.