San Diego Unified School District Oversight Committee Volunteer Sought

San Diego Unified School District Oversight Committee Volunteer Sought AIA is planning to nominate a representative to volunteer and serve on the Propositions S and Z Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee (ICOC).  Please notify Bastiaan Bouma AIA San Diego Executive Director (  if you are interested in submitting an application (AIA Board consent required).  

Download application here Prop S & Z Amended & Reinstated Bylaws

Nomination for Prop.S & Z Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee With the passage of Proposition S in November 2008 and Proposition Z in November 2012, voters authorized San Diego Unified School District to execute $4.9 billion of capital improvements.  To ensure accountability, and as required by state law, the Board of Education must appoint an Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (ICOC).   In the interest of efficiency, the board decided to establish and form a consolidated ICOC for the Prop. S and Prop. Z bond program.

To that end, on February 12, 2013, the board adopted new bylaws setting out the rules for formation and governance of the new consolidated ICOC, which will replace the current Prop. S ICOC.  The Prop. S and Z ICOC is an advisory committee to the board that will have a total of 13 members.  To allow for staggering terms, some ICOC members will start with one-year terms; and some will start with two-year terms.  While all of the members will be formally appointed by the board at a publicly noticed meeting, 10 of the appointees will be nominated by stakeholder organizations.  Your organization has been selected to nominate a member to the new ICOC.

The ICOC is charged with the following duties: •         Informing the public concerning the San Diego Unified’ s expenditures of bond proceeds •         Providing oversight to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for purposes permitted by state law, and that no bond proceeds are used for any teacher/administrative salaries or other school operating expenses •         Issuing an annual report which includes a statement regarding the district’s compliance with state law and a summary of the capital bond program’s activities for the year ICOC members are expected to volunteer sufficient time to perform the activities necessary to accomplish these duties.  All ICOC members are expected to attend monthly committee meetings; and chair, or join, at least one ICOC subcommittee.  The meetings are usually held at the Physical Plant Operations Center, 4860 Ruffner Street, San Diego (Kearny Mesa) on the third Thursday of every month from 4 to 6 p.m.  All ICOC members are also expected to attend ICOC events such as tours of bond-financed school construction sites.  In addition, ICOC members typically attend groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies for bond-financed projects, and assist in preparation of the annual report.  Your organization, of course, is welcomed to add its own duties for its nominee.

The district would like the new ICOC to be established as soon as practicable, as Prop. S projects are in progress; and Prop. Z projects will be starting in the near future.  Accordingly, we would like your organization to nominate a representative to the ICOC no later than February 25, 2013.  Please follow the instructions on the attached form to submit the name of your organization’s nominee.

If you would like more information about the new ICOC, Prop S. or Prop. Z, please visit our district website at  or contact our office at 619-637-3516.