New Marketing and Advertising Outreach by AIA San Diego

AIA San Diego individual and allied members will soon be contacted by two firms with whom the Chapter has recently entered into advertising sales agreements. The companies are seeking to sell advertising linked to both the recently enhanced website as well as newly planned publications that will roll-out starting in January. Advertising in both these new/enhanced print and electronic vehicles is tailored for corporate and institutional supporters however, individual members will also be provided with information about how these channels might work to advance their goals. These opportunities are separate and distinct from the benefits that accrue to you as individual or allied members and are entirely optional. However, we believe they will be effective communications vehicles and encourage you to consider if they might work for you or the firms with which you work. Print advertising in the 2014 annual yearbook/member directory and semi-annual AIA San Diego magazine:

E&M Consulting Inc. has a national reputation of working with non-profit professional associations (including several AIA Chapters) to produce outstanding publications such as member directories/yearbooks and periodicals. We have agreed with the firm to create a printed AIA San Diego 2014 Member Directory and Yearbook for distribution free of charge to all members-in-good standing early in January 2014. In addition, the firm will work with the Chapter to produce two, semi-annual "journals" (magazine format, Spring & Fall) that will feature significant projects, profiles, technologies and trends in San Diego County.

Website banner ads:

Multiview, Inc. is a firm that has worked with AIACC and several of California's largest AIA components to provide companies and others with enhanced visibility on AIA Chapter websites.  Those visiting the recently redesigned website will soon see corporate and other entities promoted through banner ads and other branding.

We appreciate your support and are confident that these initiatives will advance AIA San Diego's mission of providing more effective service and representation of our members - raising awareness and appreciation of the capabilities and talents to be found among our professional members and supporters. For more information or to offer comments/suggestions, please contact the AIA San Diego Executive Director, Bastiaan Bouma or 619/232-0109.