Launching Soon: 2015 AIA Compensation Survey

logo_aia_sig_solid_3s Need up-to-date salary information? Participate in the 2015 AIA Compensation Survey!

It has been almost two years since the AIA published the 2013 AIA Compensation Survey Report - an industry standard, and the most comprehensive national survey on architect compensation. The new 2015 survey will provide compensation data for 40 positions at architecture firms, all nine regions of the country, plus many states and metro areas.

To thank you for your participation, you will receive a complimentary PDF copy of the complete survey report when it is released. If you received an invitation to participate, we ask that you respond as your reply is vital for the success of this study. If you are a firm leader who has not received an invitation and would like to participate, please send an email to Jennifer Riskus at We thank you in advance for your participation.