AIA: Where we stand--Sexual harassment & the architectural profession

From AIA National:

There is no place in the architectural profession for sexual harassment.

We, the members of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), stand together to reshape our profession: to confront those who make the workplace intolerable through harassment and abuse; to give voice to those whose voices are stifled for fear of retaliation; to resolve systemic inequities in our profession that block full access by many who seek it; and to break down cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender barriers that prevent our profession from reflecting the society it serves.

AIA acknowledges that the architectural profession has not yet attained the workplace culture that is required. While AIA has made significant progress in recent years in addressing these issues, we must redouble our efforts. As the voice of the architectural profession, the AIA commits its resources to the following actions to eliminate sexual harassment and assault:

  •  We commit to our responsibility as AIA members. Architects understand what it means to strive for excellence in the buildings we design. It is time for all AIA members to work together to make our workplaces excellent. The AIA commits to educating all members on sexual harassment and gender bias.
  •  We commit to our responsibility as AIA components. The AIA network at the national, state, and local levels must work together to make sexual harassment a thing of the past. The AIA commits to adopting sexual harassment policies in all components and training for all AIA leaders and component staff.
  • We will promote exemplary workplace practices. There are exemplary firms whose practices deserve recognition. The AIA commits to launching a firm recognition program that celebrates and promotes exemplary workplace, firm culture, and equity practices.
  • We will change workplace culture. The architectural profession must become a role model for safe, healthy, and equitable work environments. The AIA commits to preparing and distributing equitable workplace best-practice guides for all firms.
  •  We will uphold our professional ethics. All AIA members are bound by the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The AIA’s National Ethics Council has been directed by the AIA Board of Directors to recommend updates to the Code of Ethics to address sexual harassment and other equitable workplace principles.
  • We are committed to a declaration for national awards. The AIA commits to requiring all nominees for AIA national awards to sign a declaration that certifies adherence to the tenets of the AIA Code of Ethics.
  • We will promote collaboration in the architectural, engineering, and construction industries. The AIA commits to work with our colleagues in the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), and related organizations in the engineering and construction fields to fully address sexual harassment throughout the construction industry.

In a decade, the face of the profession will change dramatically. What will the future face of architecture look like? Will it equitably represent the society we serve? Our actions today are directed toward an important challenge that we must stand together to overcome.

Architects stand together to reject sexual harassment. Architects stand together to support those who are threatened or abused. Architects stand together to build a model profession that welcomes everyone to safe, healthy, and equitable workplaces. Architects stand together to create a profession that represents the strength and diversity of the communities we serve.

Visit AIA's harassment resources page for updates on these efforts.

___________________________ The AIA is committed to working with its members and firms to change the culture of our profession to one that is diverse, welcoming and treats each individual with dignity and respect. In addition to what it has already delivered, the Institute has the following deliverables in development to supporting this commitment:

  • AIA plans to deliver harassment and respectful workplace e-learning courses for all members by the fourth quarter of 2018.
  • On June 4, AIA sent component presidents and CACE information and a Model Harassment Policy to assist components with adopting a sexual harassment policy, which is a new Core Member Service requirement for component accreditation. Components are required to submit their adopted proposal by January 2019.
  • In April, AIA’s President asked the National Ethics Council (NEC) to make recommendations regarding how the Code of Ethics addresses sexual harassment. The NEC has met twice since then and will provide formal recommendations for consideration by the Institute’s Board of Directors at its upcoming September meeting.
  • The AIA will require all nominees for AIA national awards to sign a declaration that certifies adherence to tenets of the AIA Code of Ethics.
  • AIA held two sessions on sexual harassment at A’18: a compliance training that addressed building a respectful and harassment free workplace; and a session, guided by experts who answered questions and provided advice based on various scenarios.
  • A number of additional sessions were offered at A’18 supporting equity, diversity and inclusion issues.
  • A’18 featured a “Commitment Wall” on the Expo Floor where members posted commitments to making their workplaces equitable, diverse and inclusive.
  • AIA is continuing to educate members and others through its various communication vehicles, including its newsletter, AIA Architect, and ARCHITECT Magazine. Recent articles have included “Meeting the #MeToo Moment” and “Ethics in Practice for an Equitable Profession.” Upcoming articles will feature a column from Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, Chair of the Equity & The Future of Architecture Board Committee, and a Q & A piece with Dr. Shirley Davis on why compliance with anti-sexual harassment policies is important for practitioners and firm owners. Another article in July covered the AIA’s conference sessions, focusing on how a strong commitment to combatting sexual harassment requires architects to understand and act on prevention, reporting, and long-term remedies. Meanwhile, ARCHITECT Magazine is reporting on how to establish a sexual harassment policy.
  • In addition, the Institute is actively building on more than a decade of work addressing equity, diversity and inclusion, including underlying issues involving sexual harassment, in the profession. The AIA is currently developing  “Guides for Equitable Practice,” which will provide architects and firms with guidance on best practices in equity, diversity and inclusion principles, and how those values can be a part of any architectural practice. The first three guides—"Cultural Competence + Implicit Bias,” “Pay Equity,” and “Workplace Culture”— are scheduled to be available at the end of the year.
  • Finally, AIA is committed to launching a firm recognition program that celebrates and promotes exemplary workplaces, firm culture and equity practices.