2016 AIA San Diego Slate of Officers and Directors

  • *President: Daniel Stewart, AIA
  •  Vice-President/Pres-Elect: Philip Bona, AIA
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Steve Shinn, AIA
  • **At Large Director: To be confirmed
  • Advocacy: Sandra Gramley, AIA
  • Public Awareness: Kevin Bussett, AIA
  • Emerging Professionals: David Garcia, Assoc AIA
  • President: Daniel Stewart, AIA
  • President-Elect: Philip Bona, AIA
  • Immediate Past President: Michael Roush, AIA
*Automatically succeeds from president-elect position. Not put to the membership for a vote.
**The At-Large Director is an ex-officio (non-voting) position whose primary responsibility is sponsorship development with the goal of increasing sponsorship revenue. The Director will work with the Chapter’s Executive Director and President to develop and implement the Board’s sponsorship development program. Additional responsibilities include attending monthly Board meetings and working with the Executive Director and Chapter President to promote and enhance the Chapter’s visibility in the community.
** The chapter's three AIACC directors, per our chapter bylaws, are the president, president-elect, and immediate past president. In effect, they are ex-officio positions.


  • Jul 23: Nominating Committee requests the AIASD Board approve the proposed slate at July 24 Board of Directors meeting.
  • Jul 24: AIASD Board-approved slate mailed to members 60 days before election.
  • Aug 18: Deadline for additional nominations from the members. (Requires five letters/nominations from members in good standing as well as an electronic profile to be distributed to the membership).
  • Aug 22: If no additional nominations received, Board Secretary may cast one ballot on behalf of all members for any/all uncontested seats.
  • Sep 2: Distribute ballots and post electronic profiles. (Only when additional nominations occur.)
  • Sep 16: Deadline for votes to arrive (if a mail ballot has been sent).
  • Sep 24: Annual Meeting/Election if Needed; votes tabulated and President declares elections.

Overview of the Nominating/Election Process for the 2016 Board of Directors


(4.31)       Nominations.  [Committee’s] slate shall be approved by the Board of Directors and published in the Chapter newsletter at least 60 days prior to the election.  Noticed in this same publication will be the qualifications for each officer/director position and a time schedule and procedure that would allow more names to be added to the slate by the general membership. All Institute assigned members, in good standing, may be added to the Nominating Committee’s slate by producing letters from five (5) Institute assigned members (in good standing) nominating him/her for a specific officer or director position. Additional nominations are to be received by the Chapter no later than 25 days after the mailing of the Chapter’s newsletter announcing the Nominating Committee’s slate. Profiles of all qualified candidates shall be published in the Chapter’s newsletter and mailed to the membership 20 days prior to the election.

(4.32)       Voting; When Required.  If there is only one nominee for any office or directorship, 20 days before the election, the Secretary may cast a ballot for the full number of votes of the membership for the said nominee, whereupon the President shall declare the candidate(s) elected by acclamation. Otherwise, each contested office and directorship shall be placed on ballots for the voting thereof. Such voting shall be by ballot in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.