Looking for highly qualified interns? Consider hiring interns enrolled in an Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) program. Through advanced preparation, these NCARB-accepted programs prepare students to excel in practice. By hiring an intern from an IPAL program, firms can help nurture future architects and build creative synergy between practice and the academy.
What makes an IPAL student intern different?
IPAL students are very career-driven and have chosen a rigorous path that will allow them to earn their architect’s license upon graduation and advance their careers through demonstrated qualifications and experience. Unlike other architecture programs, IPAL students are required to complete their AXP hours (formerly known as IDP) and take the ARE while enrolled in school. These intensive experiences help to make IPAL students better prepared for future career goals in architecture.
Currently, 33 NAAB-accredited programs at 28 schools across the country offer (or are developing) an IPAL option, providing their students with an education that connects to real-world practice while shortening their time to licensure and expanding their career opportunities.
NewSchool of Architecture & Design, located in downtown San Diego, and is currently seeking internship placement for its IPAL students. If you are interested in hiring an architecture intern from an IPAL program, please reach out to the contacts below:
NewSchool of Architecture & Design:
NewSchool offers a highly selective IPAL program at both, the graduate level and undergraduate levels. All NewSchool Architecture students take multiple evening classes allowing them the flexibility to have exposure to architectural practices during normal work hours. Students are available to intern full-time during the summer and part-time during the academic year, for a maximum of 20 hours per week.
NewSchool is currently seeking to place IPAL students for this summer and during the 2024 - 2025 academic year. Interested in learning about available IPAL students? Contact NewSchool’s Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) Coordinators, Daniela Deutsch at ddeutsch@newschoolarch.edu or by phone at (858) 405-2816, and Ivan Hu at ihu@newschoolarch.edu. For more information on NewSchool programs, visit newschoolarch.edu.