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Housing Affordability - The Missing Middle

The Land Economics Society are pleased to invite to you join in welcoming four highly qualified speakers to share recent experience in the US and Canada with the ‘Missing Middle’ in housing supply, homes in that wide range of density between single family homes, and the high-rise tower.

Daniel Parolek, Principal of Opticos Design, Inc. of Berkeley, CA, Architects of the Missing Middle Housing Movement is arguably the world’s foremost expert in Missing Middle housing. He will share his experience from projects across the US landscape. Denise Pinkston, Partner, at TMG Partners brings us 36 years of award-winning development experience including her experience leading legislative change in California and as Founder/President of the California-based NGO The Casita Coalition promoting middle housing and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Our third speaker, Dr. Ann McAfee is a member of Canada’s National Housing Council, and continues to teach at the University of British Columbia after a distinguished career as a co-director of planning in the City of Vancouver. Ann will share her experience both nationally and locally on the shifting development focus from single family to various forms of gentle density to increase housing choices in Canada’s large and growing metropolitan centres.

Carol Galante, founder and advisor to the Terner Centre for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley, and LAI Golden Gate chapter member, will moderate this session.

With a dramatic increase interest rate levels, the timing could not be better for us to engage these three experts in talking us through some of the success stories and remaining challenges in housing affordability.