Beginning with the 2023 Renewal Cycle, California architects must take 5 hours of coursework in Zero Net Carbon Design (ZNCD) in order to renew their license.
Net - Zero Design For Food Service
The AIA San Diego COTE is proud to present another in-person Zero Net Carbon Design CE opportunity. Special thanks to DPR Construction for hosting and providing light snacks and beverages for the session.
We will be joined by industry experts as we complete a Zero Net Carbon Climate Session from AIA California followed by a group discussion and demonstration. Don’t delay! Join us to get a head start on new mandatory ZNCD coursework from a trusted provider.
Earn 1.5 HSW/ ZNCD CE
Members: Free
Students: Free
Non- Members: $20
Course Learning Objectives
This course illustrates how all-electric kitchens are instrumental in meeting California’s net-zero-carbon goals and, properly designed, can also save labor, reduce maintenance, increase kitchen comfort, and reduce utility costs. Moderated by Tom Abram and Robert Carr, this course focuses on applying ZNCD principals to commercial kitchen design; however, viewers can adapt these principles for residential kitchens.
Robert Carr
Education + Project Manager | San Diego Green Building Council
Robert Carr is a green building professional who specializes in working with regional municipal and non-profit organizations to make our region’s built environment more sustainable. Robert has used his experience to participate in a variety of local green building and sustainability based projects, including the LEED certification of 10 Balboa Park buildings and the San Diego Food Bank. He has also participated in the City of San Diego’s SD ZN3 project discussed during this webinar. Robert’s credentials include a Masters in Sustainability Leadership, LEED AP for Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance, and a ILFI Living Future Accreditation. Robert is an active volunteer in the San Diego community. He is a Board member for Tree San Diego, Co-Chair for the San Diego Building Electrification Coalition Messaging Working Group, and member of the SD350.
Tom Abram
Principal + Decarbonization Consultant, Introba
Tom is an engineer with more than 15 years of experience in energy and sustainability. As a Principal in Introba's Design Analytics practice, he supports clients (including higher education institutions and other large portfolio owners) in developing decarbonization strategies in the areas of building performance, vehicle and building electrification, renewable energy, and energy storage. He leverages his varied roles as a designer, contractor, and owner and Introba's internally developed tools to identify optimal decarbonization solutions for existing portfolios and new developments. Tom is on the Board of Directors for the San Diego Green Building Council.
Special thanks to DPR Construction for hosting this program and SILLMAN for providing light snacks and beverages during the session.