Ask An Architect is a bi-monthly opportunity to meet with an architectural professional through a casual, low pressure virtual format. Jump on the Office hours ZOOM at any time to ask a question, learn more about the profession and network with knowledgeable Architects!
No Agenda. No Formalities. No Appointments needed.
June 2nd, 2021 Session Laura Shinn
Laura Shinn
Laura is the current AIA San Diego President and Director of Planning at San Diego State University. Laura is responsible for campus strategic and master plan management, capital program development, CEQA Actions, facilities planning and design, and facilities data and records oversight, as well as the Facilities Graphics studio and sign shop.
Open Office Hour Sessions - unless otherwise noted - are slated for FIRST WEDNESDAYS at 4pm; THIRD FRIDAYS at Noon. During the Open Office Hours, Use the link below to join the call, connect, network and create mentorships!